Using the example above, below is the Key for the data on the screen:

Bid - The best available price another user is willing to pay for a share of Franco. This is the price you can currently sell or short for a share of Franco.

Ask - The best available price another user is willing to sell for a share of Franco. This is the price that you can currently buy a share of Franco at.

$15.59 in the black box - This is an estimate of Jock MKTs fair value price for the player.

FP PROJ - The projected number of fantasy points Franco will score for this event.

FP SCOR - The current number of fantasy points Franco has already scored for this event.

2/6 Games Completed (only for multi-day events) - Franco has already completed 2 games for this event. He will play a total of 6 games in the event.

The '2' next to the player image - The current rank of the player based on his projected number of fantasy points.